Bringing Home a New Puppy

Jetpets Tips on Welcoming Your New Puppy Home

Congratulations on your new family member – so many memories and adventures await!

new puppy tips

When You Arrive Home, Allocate a Living and Sleeping Area

  • Designate a living space area where they can safely and comfortable settle in.
  • Puppy-proof the immediate area by removing any items that are potentially hazardous and anything you don’t want to risk being chewed on.
  • Provide them with a cosy sleeping area where they can enjoy some much-needed rest after a busy day of travelling.
  • Place some puppy-friendly toys in the area to keep them entertained.
  • Crate training has huge benefits, as the crate will become a safe place for your puppy at home and wherever you choose to take them. Our Jetpets crates are perfect for crate training, and they come in all sizes.

Happy Belly, Happy Puppy

If possible, find out from the rescue organisation or breeder what your puppy has been eating. That way you can try to purchase the same or similar diet. Sudden diet changes can cause tummy upsets.

If you want to change your puppy’s diet, make sure to do it gradually over a period of a week or so. Good nutrition is key to the healthy development of your new best mate.

Life is Better with Friends

An important step in your puppy’s early life and behavioural development is ensuring that you proactively socialise your puppy between the ages of 8 to 17 weeks.

  • Exposing your puppy to different environments will ensure they mature into a well-adjusted adult and are equipped to interact appropriately with other dogs, animals and people.
  • You can enrol them in puppy school classes, which are usually offered at veterinary clinics.
  • Speak to your local vet about your puppy’s vaccination requirements prior to attending puppy school.

Leaving Your Puppy Alone for the First Time

There will be times when you’ll have to leave your furbaby at home alone. Try your best to keep this process gradual and calm by leaving for short periods of time and rewarding them with treats and play time upon your return. By gradually increasing your time away, your puppy will learn that you will always come back and this will help prevent separation anxiety.

Keep your puppy pre-occupied while you are away by leaving a selection of toys for them to play with. Give them different toys on different occasions to keep things exciting and fresh. You can also take them on a walk before you leave, this will help to tire them out and encourage them to enjoy a snooze while you’re away.