All about Australian Quarantine – what you need to know

We know that pets are part of the family, which is why we love to take them with us everywhere we go! And that means if you’ve made the big decision to move overseas, you’re going to want to take your pets with you!

Want to know how to get the International Pet Travel process started? Our Jetpets Pet Travel Consultants are experts in global travel, and are here to assist with every step of your exciting move.

One thing we find that global travellers are often curious about is the quarantine process. So this month, our Customer Service Manager Len Elliss is answering some frequently asked questions about quarantine and bringing your pet into Australia.

Jetpets Travel Consultants | Australian Quarantine | Safe Pet Transport | Pets International

Q: How early do you need to start planning your global move?

A: Depending on which country your pet is travelling to Australia from, it may require several months of pre-travel planning to meet Australia’s strict quarantine requirements. If you’re planning on making a move with your pet to Australia this year, we recommend getting in touch with our team as soon as possible to start planning!

Q: How long do pets have to stay in quarantine when travelling to Australia?

A: The quarantine period is only 10 days for all countries except for travellers from NZ, Norfolk and Coco’s Islands (for travellers coming from these countries there are no quarantine requirements.)

If your dog is staying in quarantine, they will be kept in a private room, which is heated and has access to an attached, sheltered outdoor run. And when they need to stretch their legs, there is also a larger grassed area for exercise. For cats staying in quarantine, they will also stay in private areas that feature heating, an elevated resting platform, and a window overlooking outdoor courtyards.

So that your pet can rest easily in a calm environment while in quarantine, the facility has been fitted with internal acoustic panels to absorb noise. The ceilings of the kennels have also been treated with acoustic panels so that your pooch can enjoy a good night’s sleep!

Q: Are there quarantine facilities in all Australian capital cities?

A: Pets travelling into Australia attend the Melbourne quarantine facility. The purpose built centre offers state-of-the-art accommodation for pets travelling into the country. But don’t worry, if your final destination is outside of Melbourne, Jetpets is able to ensure that your pet reaches your home safely after the quarantine period. Our pet-loving handlers are on hand to pick-up your pet from the facility and our Pet Travel Consultants are ready to arrange their flights home to you!

Our team are here to provide expert advice, and create an itinerary specific to your pet’s travel needs. This ensures you know exactly what level of planning is required, and what the associated costs will be. We are here to guide you every step along the way.

Want to know more? Contact us today.

Fun Ways To Include Your Pets In Christmas Celebrations

Christmas is a great time to have fun with the whole family and that includes our pets! No matter what your plans are for the festive season, it’s important to involve your pets in the Christmas celebrations to ensure they have a memorable holiday as well!

Read below for some great ideas on how you can include your pets in Christmas celebrations: 

Take Photos With Them:

This has to be one of our favourite ideas! Ask a friend to be your photographer (or hire one if you like!) and take a family portrait with all your of furry friends. Add a Santa hat to the top of your dog’s head or tie a cute (but loose) red bow around your cat. Have one of your family members hold the animals and smile!

Fun Ways To Include Your Pets In Christmas Celebrations - Jetpets

 Dress Them Up in Holiday Outfits: 

There are plenty of Christmas themed holiday outfits or cute accessories you can put on your animals to get them in the holiday mood! A Christmas sweater (if the weather isn’t too hot) is a great idea, or you could even tie a red, gold or green ribbon around their neck (just make sure it is loose enough). If you want your own mini Santa Claus (or Santa Paws), a Santa Hat looks great on dogs, just purchase a kid-sized hat for smaller animals. Another fun idea is to dress your animals up as a present by decorating a red or green t-shirt with ribbons and glitter. Make sure you cut a big enough hole on the neck and the arms so it is not too tight.

Buy Them Gifts:

Gifts shouldn’t just be for humans! Pets are part of your family too so treat them to a special gift you know they will just love. Get a stocking or wrap up a few presents and place them under the tree for you to open with them on Christmas morning. Gift ideas could be toys, treats or snacks or even a new outfit! If you want to, you can splurge on something big that your pet needs or ‘wants’, like a new kennel or comfortable bed to welcome the New Year in.

Make Them A Delicious Treat:

A huge part of the Christmas season is sharing delicious food with family and friends. Include your pets in this tradition by cooking up some pet friendly treats they will be thrilled to eat. Cheesy bites, tuna treats or cookies are fun options, so they can feast while you do too! Make sure you cook animal friendly recipes to ensure you don’t feed them anything they shouldn’t be eating.

Try these tuna treats for your cat:


  • 1 can of tuna
  • 1 cup at flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/4 teaspoon oats


  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Combine all ingredients into a bowl and mix together thoroughly.
  • Roll into small balls and place on the baking paper. Press one finger down the centre to slightly flatten.
  • Bake for 7 minutes or until golden brown. You may need to flip the treats to ensure they are cooked throughout.
  • Remove from oven and let the treats cool.
  • Once cool, break any larger pieces into a bite-sized pieces and serve to your cat.
  • These cookies last when stored in airtight container in refrigerator for a few more treats throughout the Christmas period!

Do you have any holiday or Christmas traditions that involve your pets? Pop over to our Facebook page and let us know!


New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is a great time as a pet owner, to make resolutions to improve the health and happiness of your pets. From simple things like grooming and measuring your pet’s food, to mixing up your exercise and play time with your pet, there are many ways you can improve the time you spend with your animals in 2016.

If you’re stuck for ideas on how to make some great changes for your pets, here are some tips below:

Measure Your Pet’s Food:

Measuring your pet’s food is vital to ensure that your pets are getting the adequate nutrition they need (as well as not being overfed.) If you’re unsure of how much you should be feeding your pets, the back of the bags or cans of food will have a recommended feeding guide that will help you.

Try A New Activity With Your Pet:

It’s easy to get stuck going to the same park at the same time each week when the craziness of our lives kicks in throughout the year! However, why not make a resolution to try a new park, walk, location or even game at least once a month to keep your pet happy and engaged. Trying a new activity with a pet is a great way to bond, and you will both reap the rewards of getting physical and exercising while having some fun!

New Year's Resolutions - For your pet! Jetpets

See Your Vet:

Our schedules can get demanding so sometimes it’s difficult to find time to fit in a visit to the vet, especially when nothing is noticeably wrong with your animals. However you should always see your vet at least once a year for annual vaccinations, health checks and to ask any pressing questions about behavioural issues, food, weight and more.

Daily Grooming:

Depending on the breed, daily grooming is essential to remove excess fur and to keep your animal’s coat looking healthy and shiny. Grooming is also a great bonding activity between you and your pet and is a good time for you to share some cuddles as well!

What are your New Year’s resolutions for your pets? Is there something you’ve been meaning to try? Let us know on Facebook!

Dog Grooming - New Year's Resolutions for your pets

Are Your Pets Travelling With Us From Australia To New Zealand?

Are Your Pets Travelling With Us From Australia To New Zealand?As you know, our dedicated team of Pet Travel Consultants are always working with government bodies and organisations across the globe to ensure that we can move your pets as smoothly as we can to their new homes.

With this in mind, we would like to fill you in on some proposed regulatory changes made by The New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) that are proposed to come into effect on December 1st, 2014.

Here’s a quick summary of what’s changing:

1. Veterinary animal inspections at international airport locations in New Zealand, (Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch,) will now take place during the following defined periods:

  • Auckland: 7:00 – 19:00
  • Wellington: 15:30 – 17:00
  • Christchurch: 13:00 – 17:00

Please note that the above times are now written as inspection times, not flight times, and will apply Monday to Friday (with the exception of public holidays and a period of time between and around Christmas and New Year.)

2. It is also proposed that arrival inspection fees will increase by approximately $150 for your first pet and $75 for each additional pet that you may have travelling with you.

Not sure what this means for you and your pet?

Don’t worry! Your Jetpets Pet Travel Consultant will talk you through these changes and will work closely with you to ensure a smooth journey for your furry friend into New Zealand.

As we mentioned above, these changes are currently in their draft stages and we will keep you up to date with any further changes as they come to light.

If you have any questions in the meantime, or if you are planning a trip to New Zealand in the future and just want to have a chat, please do not hesitate to contact a Jetpets Pet Travel Consultant on 1300 668 309.